Wodka, Kaffeelikör, Sahne vodka, coffee liqueur, cream
weißer und brouner Rum, Orangensoft, Zitronensaft, Grenadine white and brown rum, orange juice, lemon juice, grenadine
Tequila, Cointreau, Zitrone, Salzrand Tequila, Cointreau, lemon, salt rim
weißer und brouner Rum, Bananensirup, Malibu, Grenadine, Zitronensaft, Ananassaft, Orangensaft white and brown rum, banana syrup, Malibu, grenadine, lemon juice, pineapple juice, orange juice
Wodka, Triple Sec, Limettensaft, Cranberrysaft, Grenadine vodka, Triple Sec, lime juice, cranberry juice, grenadine